हरियाणा ऑर्बिटल रेल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड

एचआरआईडीसी, एचएसआईआईडीसी, जीएमडीए, एमएसआईएल और एसीएल का एक विशेष प्रयोजन वाहन

Geological Environmental issues

  1. A study is being conducted to carry out Environment and Social Impact Assessment in connection with Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor from Palwal to Sonipat including connections to the existing Railway Network.
  2. Letter Of Acceptance for ESIA issued to M/s Overseas Min-Tech Consultants on 17-Nov-2020.
  3. ESIA consultant visited HORC section with AIIB Team on 19-Nov-2020.
  4. A meeting was conducted by HRIDC with ESIA consultant on 20- Nov-2020. Following documents were collected by consultant from HRIDC office:-
  • Detailed Project Report (DPR)
  • KML files of project alignment
  • Land Acquisition Plan (LAP)
  • Environmental and Social Screening Report
  1. A reconnaissance survey tour from 23-Nov-2020 to 24-Nov-2020 was conducted by ESIA consultant to identify sensitive locations for environmental monitoring (Air, Noise, Water, Soil and Vibration).
  2. ESIA has submitted Final Inception Report 02-Dec-2020.
  3. Stakeholder consultations have been planned from 14-Dec-2020 to 05-Jan-2021